Pablo Picasso

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

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  • Unparalleled Opportunities

    Individual Self-Expression & 创造力
美术 have been at the core of an MVCDS education since the school's founding in 1884. Providing unparalleled opportunities for individual self-expression and creativity, the 美术 curriculum recognizes and nurtures the unique "voice" within every child. At Maumee Valley, students are immersed in the 艺术 through experience.
Maumee Valley students have endless opportunities to explore their creative passions. Students are not passive observers but makers of 音乐、声音、 视觉艺术, paintings, sculpture, photography, drama and 剧院 艺术.

音乐 instruction is a hallmark of Maumee Valley’s fine 艺术 education. Programs include choirs, string ensembles, jazz ensemble, and private lessons.

A wide variety of 音乐al instruments, 材料, 技术, 概念, and history are explored in a non-competitive atmosphere that emphasizes discovery and creativity. From the early grades through their senior year, students work with professionally trained teachers who bring their own enriching experiences as artists, 音乐家, 演员, and choreographers to them.


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  • Your Educational Journey Begins Today

    Welcome to Maumee Valley
    For more information contact us at or by calling 419-381-1313.
Maumee Valley Country Day School is the only PreK-12th grade accredited, co-educational, and independent school in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan.